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Procedural Workshop: «Nonfinancial Reporting: From Decision To Publication»

March 25, 2014

The period from January to March when companies with corporate social responsibility activities prepare for publication and verification their CORPORATE NONFINANCIAL REPORTS (of various types and forms: Annual reports, CSR reports, sustainability development reports, Integrated reports and other thematic reports). We are glad to note that business companies in Kyrgyzstan pay adequate attention to the issues of transparency, accountability, and communication with stakeholders. The process of nonfinancial/sustainability reporting is complex and raises many questions, especially if the reporting company or entity is not small and has limited experience in that area.

NONFINANCIAL REPORTING refers to voluntary disclosure of accurate and user-friendly information on main aspects and outcomes of company’s corporate social responsibility activities related to implementation of sustainable business strategies.

CSR Central Asia[1] invite to take part in procedural workshop to provide technical support in nonfinancial reporting:(1) how to put together reports, (2) how to verify them, and (3) communication procedures relevant to nonfinancial reporting

Procedural Workshop:


The main purpose: to present the whole list of procedures related with preparing, selection of the essential aspects of information disclosure, verifying and publishing of non-financial reporting. The workshop is based on non-financial risks management of the company.

The date: 10 April 2014, Bishkek

The program and information:


To apply for a consultation – indicate your name, position and name of the company please contact: E-mail:,

In Almaty, tel: +7 727 328 33 92 and in Bishkek tel: +996/554/522955.