Since 2009 the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of World Bank Group, has been implementing Investment Climate Advisory Services Project in the Kyrgyz Republic.
In 2013 the new work stream - systematization of investment incentives and investors’ protection - has been implemented under the Project. For the purpose of successful implementation of this work stream, the Project anticipates to conduct the Survey “Monitoring and Evaluation of Investment Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic”. In the course of this Survey, 300 foreign-invested enterprises will respond over the period from March through June 2014, and thus, we would be able to derive unbiased information on specifics of the investment treatment in the country in the following areas:
The Survey findings will enable the Project to draft recommendations on improving investment policy of the KR and then present them to the Government; in particular, such improvements would include shaping a stable investment-related legislation, strengthening protection of property rights, removing administrative barriers, streamlining the system of investment incentives.
We respectfully request you to provide assistance in raising awareness about this Survey and invite the members of your Association to participate in it by mailing them this letter. The assessment and opinion of investors on the strengths and weaknesses of the Kyrgyz Republic’s investment policy is a key source of information for situation analysis and drafting respective recommendations.
Please address your queries on this Survey to the Project’s staff: Syinat Arynova, at 0312 626162 (113), 0557 338815 or email, and Aida Bolotbekova, at 0312 626162, 0559 500509 or email
Survey Objective: to identify the factors that have an effect on businesses’ decisions to invest into the country, the most appealing economic sectors of the KR for the investors, investment incentives ensured by the government bodies, and challenges for the prospective and acting foreign-invested enterprises in the process of formalization and operation of an enterprise.
Target Group: Foreign-invested enterprises.
Participation in Survey: By responding to the questionnaire and spending 40 minutes of your time, you will contribute to the unbiased situation assessment and drafting of required recommendations for the Government because your opinion and experience in the investment activity in Kyrgyzstan is a key source of information about the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s investment policy.
This Survey is conducted by “Rebikon” Research Company. We kindly request you to provide them the best possible assistance and reply to the questionnaire, if you are addressed by the Company.
Survey Findings: The Survey findings will enable the Project to draft recommendations on improving investment policy of the KR and present them to the Government; in particular, such improvements would include shaping a stable investment-related legislation, strengthening protection of property rights, removing administrative barriers, streamlining the system of investment incentives.
Confidentiality: In the process of this Survey we commit to protect full anonymity and maintain confidentiality. All answers will be processed and presented as a summary. Your name and your company’s name will not appear in the Survey materials.
Data on Survey Findings: Upon completion of the Survey, its findings will be posted at If you wish to receive these materials, please provide your email address in the course of this Survey.